Sunday, February 1, 2009

Quiet time

Everyone is still sleeping so i have some quiet time. I love this time of the day, I get my coffee and just sit. Ill start cleaning in a little bit, but for now, i can just catch up on the news and think about what my day will bring.

I have been sick for the last few days with a head cold and it wiped me out yesterday. At least I am feeling better today, so i hope that its on its way out.

Were in for another snow storm on Tuesday, and I gotta tell you, I'm done with the snow. I look out my dining room window and wonder if i will ever see the ground again. Its piled so high. But hey, Its New England, what do I expect.

As i mentioned before about my younger son has a learning disability, I just received a phone call from my older sons school. The psych at his school told me that he is not sure if this school is the right placement for him.

He just entered middle school this year. To be honest, my older son is, well, how shall I say this...slow.

He has been in a behavioral classroom pretty much his whole life and this year they took him out because his behaviors have gotten so much better. But now he is starting to act out. I got a note sent home that he turned over a desk and chair. He does not do this stuff at home.

He is VERY sensitive and kids make fun of him, he will go off. His biggest fear is that he mentally retarded. His IQ is very low when we got him tested 3 yrs ago, but there was so much going on for him at that time, we kinds took it with a grain a salt.

I am going to get him tested again and see where he is at.

Well, there you have it, my two kids are pretty much being asked to leave public school.

Sometimes when i think we have overcome so much, there seems to be something always lurking, waiting for our defences to be down and then crash. Life isn't suppose to be easy.

The weird thing is, I go through this jealousy stage, its not a long stage, its only when i start to stress about taking time off from work to go to meetings, start going on new school tours, doctors appts. etc. I start to get angry at 'normal parents' with 'normal kids'. I don't want to hear about them or see them or even talk to them. Yea, I'm bitter, I said it.

The stage really only lasts a short time but when its hear, it really is bothersome. I have this knack to project, and its always seems to be doom and gloom, kinda like looking at the glass half empty.

But then as I take the steps, one step at a time, the sun does come out and the glass becomes half full again.


Torina said...

Isn't it ironic that they take our kids out of the regular classroom as soon as they improve and then are surprised that it doesn't work out?! This has happened with my daughter. She is developmentally delayed as well. And does MUCH better in a smaller setting. The school really needs to try other things before they give up on your kids. Good luck!!

Andy said...

Glad you found me so that I could find you! Now I have to get caught up!

Jo said...

You are not alone in your jealousy, I feel that way sometimes too. We all need a short pity party now and then. Feel free to invite me to yours, I will give you some.

Story of our Life said...

Thanks for the sweet comments on my blog. I appreciate them and the support you have lent my way. As for the last comment re: the negative comments - I am 99% sure that person was on the yahoo disruption list that I'm on...(I tracked her ISP and some other things). for the school stuff...that was one thing we were rather fortunate with for the most part. With a few minor exceptions.

I'll have to do some reading and get caught up on your family and so forth.

Have a wonderful evening. Gala