Wednesday, September 24, 2003

home again

well, our son came home on monday, been too busy to check the email and go online.

He seems to be doing ok, it is now wednesday, we put him on a behavior chart that the hospital used. Basically, he just cant handle any limits placed on him so we will try this.

He is trying so hard to be good, and needs constant reasurring that he is being good. Its really quite sad. He has walked away from his brother when his brother starts screaming (he has his own issues, but its more for attention, hes five).

At our discharge meeting, we were loud and clear that if he gets worse, we will not be adopting them and if they are still adiment about keeping these two together, then we will have to let the other guy go as well.

we have FST coming in our home next week to evaluate and see what we can change, we really want this to work, plus he has his first therapy appt with a new therapist. We also are getting them in sibling therapy together to see if that helps.

The 5 yr old is acting up alot since his brother came home, im not sure whats going on, but he tells me he is excited that he is home. But who knows.

But you should see my 7 yr old, trying so hard to be good. This morning, we had a minor setback, i mean minor. He wanted to play outside before school. I said no, he got angry and hit the wall then started crying. I put him in his room for 'quiet time', and he was still angry. It only lasted about 10 min till he could pull himself together rather then three hours. He does say im mean, but im not, i dont yell or even get emotional.

I use to try to talk about that i wasnt being mean, but i realized, that was just a battle that he wanted to partake in. basically, if you say 'no', then your mean. He said this morning on how good he was and he didnt yell he just He also said to get his behavior chart and for me to tell him things he can do so he doesnt start yelling. I couldnt believe it. Of course the thing he wanted me to say, wasnt on his chart, but just the idea that he was asking for the help, was great. He did say he wanted to talk about it.

anyway, he calmed down and we went to school with no other problems, except when he was ready to get out of the car, he said his nose was red for crying and he wanted a tissue, he didnt want the other kids to know.

I realize we are still in the honymoon period, but hey, im holding on to hope. Im looking for progress, not

so we will see how this goes, they were talking about putting him on resperdal, an anti-psyhcotic, to see how it works, but they need to go to court to get a 'rogers'. so they decided to wait and see what happens with the increase of tenex.

we are hoping for the best. We are worried though, yesterday there was a cat outside (we dont have any pets) and they both wanted to go play with it, so i let them. This cat has come by the house on and off for about 1 mo. I had the kids feed him once, i knew what was going to happen, but hey, they really wanted to feed him, i just couldnt The 5 yr old swears the cat is his friend,and he comes to visit

anyway, the 5 yr old was hitting a bucket with a stick really hard, after saying hello to his friend, and i couldnt make out what he was hitting, the 7 yr old was laughing and I asked what he was hitting, and he said it was the cat. I ran out and the 5 yr old said "hes kidding, its just the bucket"

I know the cat scratched him two weeks ago (the 7 yr old) should i be concerned with this. We did give him a fish, and he takes real good care of it, he loves it). Im just concerned that he made a statement like that. He enjoys the cat, but i think since it scratched him, he doesnt like it anymore.

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