Wednesday, November 8, 2006

i need some expert thoughts

i am starting a group at work for parents who had their kids either removed from them, or are still with them, who have substance abuse, homelessness, and possibly mental health issues that werent being treated.

One of the things we will be focusing on, is for bparents to get the support that they need for themselves, and work on their recovery, like managing AA meetings, or things of that nature.

as most of you know, taking care of kids, is diffulcult, but to take care of kids who were either neglected, or abused, is even harder, and then have the bparent trying to do her/his best to get his/her act together, and being a single parent (in most cases) land yet then raise his/her kids, is almost an impossible task, i cant even imagine it. is why im writing this thread. I want to find out more about the children, vs the adult.

What does a child look like when they immediatly get removed from bmom and placed with you. what kinda of behaviors do they have.

what do you think a child experiences when they get reunited with their bmom?

what do you think a child experiences when they are goinng through the visitation with bmom?

i am using mom, more then dad here, because the work is mostly around the woman we are treating.

keep in mind, these children that i am talking about WILL be moving back with bmom if she keeps to here treatment plan.

so these questions arent for foster/adopt, they are for foster parents who are fostering the children till the bparents get their 'act' together.

any thoughts....i want to put together a small presentation in the childs voice of what they feel like so these moms have a clue. I dont want them to feel guilty, but get more of a grasp of how there kids feel.

so any thoughts would be appreciated. i know about adoption and kids who were TPR'd, but this is more for the kids who are planning on returning home to bmom, and what that feels like for them.

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