pinch me, i must be dreaming
ok, my older son, came home on friday from school.
in his backpack, i read another perfect day (not surprised, since at home he feels 'safe' enough to let us know how he is really feeling... ..arent we lucky?.. )
but anyway, also in his backpack was 'student of the week' award, which is a huge deal!!!!!!!!
i remember last year when i went to pick up my younger son and over the loud speaker i heard "maryjane smith won student of the week this week"
and maryjane walked down to the office, got her award, and handshakes, and it was a huge thing.....
i remember sitting there feeling a little sad, thinking that my kids will never experience such a thing as that....
i am so stunned by still in shock. he seems to make light of it, or forgot about it...but i keep telling everyone that i know that he won this....
im not sure if he wants me to, or if he even cares, but i can see a smile on his face when i tell someone.
i will never forget two years ago when i saw him get a little award in his class and i told him how proud i was of him and he asked me "what does proud mean?" because no one had ever said that to him before.
i think he gets it to a certain degree now, by the smile on his face.
he did tell me this morning though that the reason he 'tantrums' at home alot is because he doesnt like school...
however, he only tantrumed the first few days of the week at home after school...
I am trying to distract him the minute he gets in
the car.........
he also told me that the reason he hates his afterschool is because he misses us all day...
very sweet, but im not sure im buying into that
he can go so far until i start to get my guard my up..
oh, heres a biggy...
he wants to take violin lessons...
so we rented a violin for him and he already is practicing...
i just hope he doesnt get too frustrated and decide to smash it....those little things cost alot of money....
he promised me he wouldnt...
but if this music thing takes.....i would be so happy...he has his first lesson my fingers crossed for this one.
2 years ago
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