Tuesday, January 27, 2004

I am so mad.

I Am So Mad


im just venting.....

well, as most of you know, my child finally went to the group home last thursday, the group home is actually one flight up from the RTC he was in

The plan now is to have him slowly transition back to our house. So he started his old school yesterday. The school that he was attending at our house before he went to the RTC.

He has been out of that school for about 2 months now.

well, they called me the other day and said that they will be bringing my child to school at 8:15am when school starts. I told them that i will be meeting him there on his first day to help him with the transition.

well, i got there at 8am just to be sure i wouldnt miss them. And it was cold out here in boston.....(made friends with the crossing guard though)

anyway, at 9am, still no show, i went in the school and talked to the teachers and principal, they had this welcome plan for him so his transiton could be smooth.

i called the group home and asked what happend and they said "huh...hes eating breakfast but i cant bring him till at least another hour" then he asked me how to get there.....i was flawed.

My child has big problems with transitions and they know this...i couldnt believe how they messed up his first day back. he was anxious enough, but the group home really was la de da about it

Plus, it was testing day at his school, (probably the worst day for him to start anyway) so when my child finally made it to school, he had to sit in a corner and play with blocks until the kids finished testing because he got there so late.

the school was so angry also.

then i told them that school is out at 2:20 and ill be there to see how his day was. well, i left work early and got there at 2pm (just in case) and who do i see getting in the van to go back to the group home, but my son. I ran over to them and asked why he is leaving school early, and he said "well, i got here early, so i just took him out of class."

i didnt want to make a stink cause my son was there. but i almost could of killed them.

I called the director of the program, and was so angry and they apoligized.....whatever...

anyway,. my son had a great day at school, thanks god.

so i called this morning to make sure he was going to be on time and they said "oh, didnt someone call you? he will not be going to school today because he sprained his ankle in the gym playing basketball and its swollen so we will be taking him to the doctors instead....."

I AM SO MAD!!! Can this poor kid get a break anywhere?......i realize it was an accident, but i mean, i just get so frustrated..nothing has gone right for this child....

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