Last night i went to a training on attachement. One of the the people from ATNE was leading it.
i guess i just want to know if this is common in AT?
here is a scenario:
child behaves bad and is sent to room due to 'safty'.
child then calms down and all is good. (which makes sence)
but then here was the question asked by someone.
what if the child has trauma in the bedroom, what if it is the bedroom that the child cannot handle.
the responce was
"well, if you tell the child to stop or they will go to their room, and the child then continues, no matter what the child did, you put the child in the room,"
then further explained
"if i was scared of snakes, and there were snakes in the room, i was told that i shouldnt touch that, chances are is that i would not touch that, because i dont want to go in the room, but if i 'touch then i go int he room'
but my feeling was that these kids dont get the cause and effect and wouldnt this be more traumatizing to the child? IF the goal is to build trust, by putting the child in the room that he assoc with trauma, wont that be counter productive?
there were alot of good things said, dont get me wrong, but some things i just had a hard time understanding.
can one of you expert people out there help me understand this....
as some know, we are looking to get our son's AT, but when i hear things like this, i want to run for the hills....
2 years ago