how do you deal?
how does anyone deal with the loss of a child that you loved and cared for and did everything possible to have a childhood that he missed out on and then come to realize that he might never have one?
how do you deal with every morning going in his room and feeding his little goldfish...the fish that he loved so much?
HOw do you deal with looking at his art work that says 'to daddy, i love you'
how do you deal with looking at all the broken toys in his rooms and wonder which ones should you pack for him?
how do you deal with looking at all the pictures of the two kids together around your house?
how do you deal with looking at his spiderman collection because he loved to dress up as spideman and jump and run all around the house..which at times you hated that costum but now you realized how wonderful it was to see him run and jump like every other kid?
HOw do you deal with looking at his bicylcle outside and he is not riding it?
HOw do you deal with looking at his empty bed?
HOw do you deal with the phone calls and he says "i love you daddy...when am i coming home?"
how do you deal with the 'what ifs'? God i have a million of them
sorry, just feeling real sad today...DSS and the hospital are discussing placement for him....the hospital says 'group home' DSS says 'theraputic foster home'
we say 'theraputic foster home' because i dont want him institutionalized and alot of other reasons which i wont go into now...but its not up to us anymore....
i am so full of emotions right now from anger to still in some sort of denial, i know. it hasnt fully set in....
life is just not fair....its not fair that an adorable sweet 8 yr old boy, has to be in this much pain.
its not fair that he has to leave our family, the family that he came to believe was his 'forever family'....
how can people deal with this kind of pain?
sorry, just venting....just feeling very sad today....ive been avoiding this forum lately, kinda just lurking around, because i feel like i have nothing left to say.....
adoption is just plan sad...sadness where ever you look, there are just too many losses for these children.
can they ever heal?....
2 years ago